Joel Timoner, the enchanting musical storyteller hailing from the vibrant streets of Brazil and currently weaving melodies in France, has crafted a breathtaking rendition of Joni Mitchell’s classic, “Both Sides Now.” Armed with his magical sazouki, a giant mandolin born from the creative genius of a French luthier, Joel brings a fusion of Brazilian groove and French harmony to every note he plays. With two albums recorded in Brazil under his belt, produced by the illustrious Swami Jr., Joel’s musical journey is one of sincerity, passion, and good vibes.
In “Both Sides Now,” Joel’s heartfelt interpretation adds a new depth to Mitchell’s timeless masterpiece. The sazouki’s haunting melodies intertwine with Joel’s soulful vocals, transporting listeners on a journey of introspection and wonder. Through his unique arrangement, Joel invites us to explore life’s complexities and embrace the beauty of both light and shadow. Don’t miss the chance to experience Joel Timoner’s musical magic – tune in to “Both Sides Now” today and let his melodies stir your soul.