Amidst the vibrant streets of France, Joel Timoner embarks on a musical odyssey like no other with his latest track, “Thélème.” Born in Brazil but now calling France home, Joel brings together the best of both worlds in this mesmerizing fusion of Brazilian Portuguese lyrics and ancient French excerpts. With his trusty sazouki in hand, a magical and strange guitar that adds a unique flair to his sound, Joel takes listeners on a groovy road trip to the mythical abbey of Thélème, where freedom reigns supreme. Teaming up with the talented Blondine Morisson on vocals, Joel crafts a sonic experience that is as imaginative as it is irresistible.
Don’t miss your chance to join Joel Timoner and Blondine Morisson on this enchanting journey. Stream “Thélème” now on your favorite platform and let the afro-Brazilian grooves and melodies transport you to a world where imagination knows no bounds. Get ready to dance, be surprised, and lose yourself in the magic of “Thélème.”