THE LOOSE CANNON65 is far from your ordinary rapper and artist. He conveys raw emotions through his explosive verses and has earned a name for his versatility and originality. His impressive discography and collaborations are a testament to his lyrical prowess, further solidifying his position as a true luminary in the hip-hop and rap genres. And one thing about him is that he likes to explore; he is not an artist to be confined within certain borders and spaces, making him an all-round performer. His captivating stage presence and undeniable lyrical talents have cultivated a devoted and independent following in the US and abroad. His sound transcends mere music, encapsulating a lifestyle and culture uniquely his own. His ability to infuse his own unique sound into rap music and collaborate with some of the biggest names in the industry has cemented his position as a game-changer in hip-hop and beyond.
On January 19, 2024, he will release his new single titled “No Homo,” an anthem celebrating heterosexual individuals.
A refreshingly innovative, purposeful, and raw masterpiece, “No Homo” sees CANNON65 delve deep into the weighty subject matter with his deep vocals, capturing the essence of the jam with vivid lyrics that pertain to the pride of being heterosexual.
The purpose of this jam is not to cause controversy but to spark conversations. The song addresses the notion that being straight is something often not discussed or celebrated in contemporary dialogues. The track serves as a reminder for heterosexuals to openly embrace and take pride in their sexuality.
An anthem poised to resonate with heterosexual audiences globally, “No Homo” is sure to generate critical buzz once it drops, and I cannot wait for that!
Mark January 19th on your calendar and follow THE LOOSE CANNON65 on social media for real-time updates. He will be unleashing gifts leading to the release of this jam, and you might as well be the lucky person!